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The Board of International Counselors

The Board of International Counselors of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU) (hereinafter – the Board) is a permanent advisory body of the NRFU, established and operating to promote international cooperation of the NRFU to ensure the implementation of its main tasks.

The task of the Board is to promote establishment and development of cooperation of the NRFU with foreign organizations, institutions, international organizations, including those that fund research, provision of advisory assistance to implement the best world practices in the activities of the NRFU.

The Board consists (by consent) of representatives of leading international and foreign scientific organizations and institutions, regardless of ownership, as well as representatives of interested legal entities and independent non-residents of Ukraine. The activities of the members of the Board are carried out on a voluntary basis.

Сomposition of the Board of International Counselors

APPROVED May 01, 2023


Doctor of Physics, President of the Association for Science and Technology Management (Massachusetts, USA), was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, an honorary member of the Ukrainian Physical Society, and a member of the Science Identification Committee.

APPROVED November 10, 2022

Gerson S. SHER

Doctor of Politics, Program Coordinator, National Science Foundation (retired), Founding President, CRDF Global (retired), administrator of state non-profit organizations in the USA.


APPROVED June 6, 2022


Doctor of Chemistry, Secretary General of Science Europe, Former Director for Research and Innovation at the European University Association (EUA), Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona and the University of Catalonia, Visiting Professor at the University of North Carolina, USA, and the University of Western Ontario, Canada (Included in the Board for 2 years).


Raymond Lee ORBACH

Professor of Physics, Former Under Secretary for Science in the United States Department of Energy and Director of the Energy Institute at the University of Texas at Austin, USA.

APPROVED May 2, 2022

Georgi DVALI

Professor of Physics, Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, New York University and Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich; director of the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich.


Mathematician, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, doctor of natural sciences, professor of the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne, Switzerland.


Professor of Physics, Leiden University, The Netherlands.


Professor of Neurophysiology, University of Manchester, UK.