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State procurements

According to the Procedure of formation and use of funds of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, budgetary funds are allocated for:

1) organizing and carrying out in the procedure established by law the scientific and scientific and technical expertise of projects submitted for participation in competitive selection;

2) financing expenses for the acquisition, creation, operation and technical support of the official website of the Foundation, software for the formation of an electronic database of experts who conduct the reviewing of projects submitted for call, an electronic information system for the submission and processing of such projects, an electronic database research and developments funded by the Foundation;

3) ensuring the activities of the Directorate of the Foundation;

4) ensuring the participation of official delegations (representatives) of the Foundation in international scientific and technical cooperation activities;

5) reimbursement of business expenses related to ensuring the participation of members of the Scientific Council of the Foundation in its meetings;

6) carrying out the information (explanatory / communication) activities.