Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (Warsaw, Poland) officially became our partner since signing of the Memorandum of Understanding in January, 2021. However, the cooperation between our organizations was actually launched in November, 2020 when the NCBR team kindly agreed to host a series of webinars for the NRFU employees.
The second webinar was held today and was dedicated in particular to criteria for selecting experts, calls budgeting, the procedure and the process of concluding agreements, researchers’ development programs etc. Such events are of immense importance for the development of a new mechanism of research projects financing in Ukraine.
After all, the NRFU’s principles and philosophy are mainly based on the best practices of leading European funding agencies.
We appreciate time and effort of Polish colleagues and their willingness to share their experience accumulated in years. The NRFU staff have today been equipped with new knowledge, vision and motivation for change
25 March 2021 16:23