04 August 2023 13:57

International Multilateral Partnerships for Resilient Education and Science System in Ukraine (IMPRESS-U)

National Research Foundation of Ukraine informs you about the Multilateral Partnership Initiative ‘International Multilateral Partnerships for Resilient Education and Science System in Ukraine (IMPRESS-U)’ launched by the Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) of the National Science Foundation (NSF), USA in partnership with:

Estonian Research Council (ETAG), Estonia

Latvian Council of Science (LCS), Latvia

Research Council of Lithuania (LMT), Lithuania

National Science Centre (NCN), Poland

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), Poland

National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU), Ukraine

National Academy of Sciences (NAS), USA

Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG), USA

Research of Ukrainian researchers will be funded by private donors and foundations (this funding will be coordinated by NAS). NRFU will work closely with NAS to ensure appropriate funding and participation of Ukrainian researchers in collaborative projects.

With the IMPRESS-U initiative, NSF invites visionary, ambitious, high-quality collaborative research proposals that address scientific challenges in any field of science, engineering, or education.

Priority will be given to projects that propose creative ways for enhancing the efficiency and resiliency of international partnerships; efficient concepts to prepare an internationally engaged research workforce; efficient and significant contributions to build a modern, state-of-the-art research/education/innovation ecosystem in Ukraine.

What are the eligibility criteria for Ukrainian participants?

The Initiative provides financial support of Ukraine-based research teams which shall include a PI and at least one PhD/Master’s-student. The Ukraine-based team may also include other researchers and technical staff (if necessary). However, all team members shall be based in Ukraine.

The team could consist of researchers and technical staff (if included) representing one or more institutions (organizations). One natural person cannot be represented in more than one application submitted for this Initiative.

The Ukraine-based PI shall hold at least a Ph.D. research degree (obtained or recognized in Ukraine); have a formal labor appointment (has the main place of employment) at a Ukrainian institution of higher education/research institution of state ownership that is registered and functions in compliance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

Upon receipt, the application will be analyzed by NAS and NRFU to determine eligibility.

NRFU will notify NSF about the result of the analysis of the defined list of requirements by the advisory body with a formal email letter. Only applications concluded eligible will be further considered by NSF.

What is the budget for Ukrainian participants?

NAS intends to raise ~$1,000,000 from private donors and foundations for IMPRESS-U Initiative to support Ukrainian researchers to make 10-15 awards in concert with NSF. It is expected that the proposed budgets of the Ukrainian research teams will be submitted to NAS and reflect the research plans and compositions of Ukrainian research teams at the moment of submission. Funding is up to $50,000 per year per project with a total maximum of $100,000 over two years.

Prospective PIs are recommended to consult the NSF website for additional useful resources at the link.

To search for potential partners within the IMPRESS-U Initiative, project managers can use the search tool kindly provided by the National Science Center of Poland.

To learn more about the IMPRESS-U Initiative please follow NSF or NRFU websites.

We wish success to all participants!

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